Cultural History Encyclopedia

Plant (3)

  • The pale linden tree in the Nærøyfjord - a botanical curiosity

    Close to the head of the Nærøyfjord, a short distance up from the sea straight across the fjord from Bakka, we find the pale linden tree (lime tree). A strange tree that was protected by royal decree as early as in 1934. This tree is a good example of a tree that can be designated a culture tree, a tree that for a long period of time has held a special place for many people.

    Kommunar omtalt i artikkelen:

    • Aurland
  • The Slinde birch tree

    The famous Slinde birch blew down in an autumn storm in 1874, but thanks to many painters, it is still very much ¿alive". Thomas Fearnley¿s painting ¿Slindebirken" from 1839, is today included in the ¿canon" of works of art by Norwegian painters. The Slinde birch was more than just an ordinary tree.

  • The farmyard tree at Skorpeidet - memorial tree for a navy serviceman

    ''Close to the house was a birch so wide / there the magpies had their old nest,'' sings Ivar Aasen in his song Gamle garden. (The old farm). In former times in the country, most homes had a big and elegant tree in their farmyard. Close to a residence at Skorpeidet, on the island of Skorpa west of Florø, is an unusually big Sitka spruce. This farmyard tree has a very special story attached to it. In a way it is also a memorial tree for the navy serviceman Adolf Skorpeide.