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Published 07. July 1999

Last update 06. July 2021




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German coastal fort at Ospeneset

In the autumn of 1941, German officers came to the point of Ospeneset on an inspection tour. Early in 1942, people in the area had to move from their farms, and shortly afterwards, the construction work was started.

Ospeneset at the entrance to the Gulen fjords. To the left, the farmhouse used by the German battery commander. To the right, one of the three gun positions.

Ospeneset at the entrance to the Gulen fjords. To the left, the farmhouse used by the German battery commander. To the right, one of the three gun positions.

Owner: Kjell-Ragnar Berge.

Date: 1992.

Photographer: Kjell-Ragnar Berge.

Troop Aspenes

The purpose of the facility was to have guns that could defend the entrance to the Gulen fjords. Of special importance was the Nordgulen fjord leading in to the smelter plant at Svelgen. However, the fjords were also used as anchorages for German convoys. The name of the facility was troop - in German Zug - and was under the command of the battery at Gottraneset at Skarstein. The troop was to replace two guns that had been located at Sande close to Svelgen since the spring of 1941, and in August 1942, the Ospeneset troop became operational. No mines were laid out there, and the area was cleared and released soon after the war had ended..

Facts about the troop at Ospeneset:

German name of the fort: HKB 4./981, Zug Aspenes.
Troops: 73 officers and soldiers.
Artillery: 3 Norwegian 105mm field guns.
Operational: August 1942.

See geometric position on detailed map at Fylkesatlas or on a 3D-map at Google Maps by clicking on the 3D-button down to the right at the Google-map.


Berge, Kjell-Ragnar: Fronten er kysten! Oversyn over tyske festningsverk i Sogn og Fjordane 1940-45. Hyllestad/Førde 1995.Fjørtoft, Jan Egil: Tyske kystfort i Norge Tromsdalen 1982.
Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv i Freiburg, Tyskland: Fragmentarisk arkivtilfang etter tyske militære avdelingar i Norge 1940-45.